
How much stuff on ebay do you think is stolen?

by  |  earlier

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I have read articles about people stealing from stores to set up ebay businesses, and sometimes when I look through the listings, it seems that there is no way people could be selling the amount of items they do at the prices they do and still turn a profit. I'm not looking to rat anyone out, and I sell on ebay sometimes, I know most people are honest, but what percentage of auctions would you say involve stolen goods? (To exclude the obviously fake overseas auctions of high end items where you know you will NOT receive any product)




  1. A lot. . . there are electronics going for 1/2 retail. . .manufaturer to distributor mark up is about 8% and distributor to retailer is about 10% . 


    I know, I have an electronics business and have a tough time on ebay

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