
How much support can we expect from our fellow Americans of Muslim faith?

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It's no longer a question of if but when we will be at an all out war with the Islamic Radicals. during WWII, we made a stupid mistake of interning all Japanese-Americans yet these people supported us during in in Europe as well as in the Pacific. Can we expect the dame support from our Muslim American peers if we go to war against the jihad?




  1. It will be different as Muslims are different.  They don't all think the same.  Their opinions are as diverse as ours believe it or not.

  2. I sure hope not, we should be fighting jews, instead we let israel take arab lands. How would you feel?

  3. I am afraid that we will be forced to intern them, just as we did to the Japanese.

  4. Yes. Muslims support you.

  5. I think the premise of this question is ignorant and offensive, and unfairly paints all Muslims with a broad, stereotyped brush.   You mention that it was a bad mistake to inter all Japanese Americans during WWII for disloyalty, yet you are already insinuating the same thing (doubt of loyalty) to Muslim Americans as a group???  

    Do you think all Muslim Americans or even a substantial percentage of them support a "radical jihad"?    And do you have proof that they are?  FYI - Muslims in America are a very diverse group, ethnically, and by no means are they monolithic in their lifestyles, faith, and outlook. You have some who are native born Americans, like Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota (and that blowhard Glenn Beck had the gall to question his patriotism).   Some come from Asian countries like Indonesia, India and Pakistan as well as Arab countries.  And many are in the US Armed Forces, protecting all of us.  

    The vast majority are law abiding, tax-paying citizens who want the same thing for their families as you do.   And sadly, because of blinkered, stereotyped views, they have to continually explain themselves and fight prejudice coming from the likes of you.

  6. I don't think we can expect a lot.  They seem to be silent when strange things happen (like the traveling Imams on the airplane, where was the outrage).  I don't fault them on it, perhaps they are scared.  Think back to WWII, the Pope was silent when the n***s were deporting Italian Jews, I liken it to that.  Just looking out for their own interests, it's human nature. It doesn't mean they support the bad that a few do though.

  7. I think it depends on the people. Most American Muslims love this country and want to preserve everything it stands for. It's almost better for them to stay low key and support America in quiet ways though. Look what Salman Rushdie did in England standing up for western culture writing the "Satanic Verses", about east and west. Now he has a price on his head. It's just not safe for them to do that without serious consequences.

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