
How much tax & NI will I pay?

by Guest32035  |  earlier

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Hi I have just started 2 part time jobs 1x 18hrs 1x20hrs per week how and how much tax & NI will I be expected to pay? both are min wage





  1. The first question I would have to ask (sorry about this) is your age because the minimum wage differs for different ages until you reach the age of 22 as listed below:

    There are three levels of minimum wage, and the rates from 1st October 2007 are:

    £5.52 per hour for workers aged 22 years and older

    A development rate of £4.60 per hour for workers aged 18-21 inclusive

    £3.40 per hour for all workers under the age of 18, who are no longer of compulsory school age.

    go to this website it has a calculator for your NI and tax contributions had a look myself a good reference tool.

    Best of luck in both your jobs glad to hear about anyone who gets work but take my hat off to someone such as yourself who has the drive and focus to hold down two jobs.

  2. will give you the answer

  3. Have you worked previously since 6 April, or claimed JSA? if so, how much did you earn? Tax is calculated on a cumulative basis, so need this info to calcualte your tax.

    NIC will be 59p on the 20 hr job and nil on the 18hr job.

  4. You may be sent a PAYE Coding Notice which shows your tax code, which is is used by your employer's pay system to calculate how much tax you pay.

  5. your tax code gives your personal allowance, this is the amount you can earn before tax is deducted, each year, unless you are on a low wage the stamp rate is standard.

  6. in uk and over the last 50 yrs  you  can expect to take home  60% of your earnings  the goverment pirates  rip you off for the other 40%

    then you have to pay 17.5 on everything you buy   and tax on car television  everything   this is a democratic country  dont you know   captain kid  told me .

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