
How much taxes theif't in india & why ? how we can stop for make better economy for Nation.I have ans.Suresh ?

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How much taxes theif't in india & why ? how we can stop for make better economy for Nation.I have ans.Suresh ?




  1. Surprise!

    1. Most people do not want to steal any tax.

    2. Shopkeepers and other small time businessmen (who don't qualify as industrialists), and there are millions of them in India - find taxation too complex and time-consuming to bother.

    3. Paying taxes often results in more harrasment because you immediately come under the scanner of tax authroties, if you dont pay, those guys dont know you exist and earn anything (except under extra ordinary circumstances).

    4. Indian Taxation Laws, just like ALL its other laws, are full of IFs and BUTs, making it most complex and vague, in the world. This deters honest tax payers, and invites criminals to make use of exactly its vague nature.

    5. A great example of point 4 above is that Agricultural Income is completely exempt from taxation. This obviously benefits the better-off farmers (they alone will fall in any taxation bracket). So, if rich farmers dont pay any taxes, why should better-off artisan, better-off shopkeeper pay any tax.. and they don't.

    India has had the great misfortune of having some of brightest theoretical scientists, and leaders in the world - who don't grasp practicalities of life.

    We need to do following immediately:

    1. Lower Tax rate to 20%.

    2. Uniformly tax everyone.

    3. Bring everyone in taxation net, no IFs and BUTs.

    4. Make Taxation so simple, that we don't need middle-men to file taxes.

    5. Stop harassment of tax payers; instead taxation authorities should work with them honestly, and be helpful rather than forceful.

    All the above will NOT happen, because we regularly elect thieves, criminals and uneducated to the Parliament (1 in every 5 MPs have criminal case pending against him).

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