
How much televison do you watch daily?

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How much televison do you watch daily?




  1. probalyonly a couple hours and thats all no more than 2 hours though....



  2. About 2 hours, but a lot less in the summer

  3. Maybe 4 hours during the week... news for an hour or so, then the mindless stuff. Often it's more in the background while I'm doing housework and such.

    More on the weekends when there are more movie options.

  4. PC  with internet ftw..

  5. About 1/2 hour of news in the morning.

    I TIVO Regis and Kelly, but only watch the first 20 minutes.

    At night I watch either an old movie or a Yankee game.

  6. Less than one hour.  Most of my mindless entertainment comes from the internets.

  7. Way to much. My television is on before I hit the floor in the morning (I'm a news junkie) and it is on when I walk in the door. There I times I make a conscious effort to turn it off and do something else....

  8. Depends on the day.  When I work from home, I'll have Regis and Kelly, or Rachael Ray or 10 Years Younger on in the background.

    But last night I probably watched 30 minutes of the All-Star game and that was it.

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