The Tabu thema, in India,to ask Public Servents, who get their Monthly remmunerations, Personnels +Perks from the Tax Payers Money? or Published in their web sites?. Neither it is a free will of the concerned PUBLIC SERVENTS at Higher Posts of Ministers etc. and their working systems, usage of Public vehicles for Private use etc. But most of them engage as Ex-officio chair persons, or additional Consultants in Economical Multinational Organisations and encash for their Name being used for the concerns benefit? But the Public never gets, the correct informations in this regards. nor the Public have the right to ask, why is it so, or why should the Tax payers to pay for Pvt. usage of Government vehicles etc. nor these informations made available to public in their web sites?. It is under time, that, the Public should wake up and ask in all public meetings (As pvt. they do not get chance?) such relevent questions relating to the costs /remmunerations for their services ?