
How much the salary of the politicians to spend more than millions to their campaign?

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How much the salary of the politicians to spend more than millions to their campaign?




  1. Salary has no relevance to campaign. Campaign requires millions to reach millions. Public opinion can only force leaders/parties to control wasteful expenditure and can also force politicians not to depend to much on big commercial organizations.  Democracy after all is for the people and by the people and allows people to change at regular intervals if dissatisfied.

  2. Most of them don't spend their own money. Maybe a small fraction of it. They use your and my tax money and money from corporations and private wealthy individuals to finance their campaigns.

  3. Politicians rarely if even spend their own money when compaigning for office.  There are few people who have.  Most notably in recent history was Jon Corzine when he spent $62 million of his own money when running for the US Senate seat from New Jersey back during the 2000 campaign (see: ).  

    Good Luck!!!

  4. Thier money comes from the funds contributed by people and lobbies.

  5. Political campaigns are financed by people who will have influence over what the person running does if elected.

    Most politicians, including those who "finance their own campaigns" actually have figured out ways to make a profit on their campaigns.

    One of the favored ways to profit is to loan money to the campaign at a very high interest rate. One of the senators from California took out a mortgage on her house to finance her campaign. That generated a lot of free publicity. What was not reported was that she then lent that money to her campaign at an interest rate of 300% which she had collected by the time the election was held.

  6. I presume you are talking UK, they don't use their own money only contributions from other idiots who support their crazy plans. Does cash for honours ring any bells?.

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