
How much time do guinea pigs need to conceive?

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Are they quick or do they romance each other first?

One of my girl pigs was mistakenly put in with my two boys.

She was there for about 5 minutes before we discovered her - chances of her being caught?

I don't want her to be, by the way...




  1. they breed very quickly so chances are she could be pregnant but she also may not be good luck x*x

  2. If it was just  5 minutes i highly doubt anything went on. I had a boy and girl guinea pig living together and didnt realize the guy was a guy and my guinea pig did get pregnant, but it would still take awhile. first of all she probably would run away as he tries to woo her and he would start making vibrating noises and struts before he mounted her. Also it may take awhile for the male to penetrate her because My guinea pig even tried to pork  another guy guinea pig.... Also when a female is impregnanted  you will notice a white mucus plug in the cage which comes out of her, but heres a website that explains this stuff.

  3. It can happen in seconds pretty much but your female had to have been in heat.

  4. Guinea pigs come into season every 2 weeks so if she was it is very likly she will have caught!! My pig escaped into my boars pen for an hour and now is very heavly pregnant (due on 13th sept) keep an eye on her you will be able to tell in about 3-4 weeks good luck!!

    p.s if you need any help with it or any more advice then you can email me.

  5. It's very good that you separated her, but there is definitely a good chance she is now pregnant. That's why I always tell people guinea pigs should NEVER 'meet' guinea pigs of the opposite s*x, even under close supervision. It takes just one second for them to get busy!

  6. About three seconds.

  7. errm , if the sow was in heat , she is probably definately pregnant , but the boar would have to start rumblestrutting , and l**k her bum (yuk) and sows always play hard to get . but if the sow was in heat she wouldn't think twice so take her to the vet and get bit scanned profesionally .

    my guinea pig is due to give birth any day now .

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