
How much time do i need on a uk passport for a holiday in spain?

by Guest44598  |  earlier

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How much time do i need on a uk passport for a holiday in spain?




  1. What?

  2. you just need to be back before your passport expires.

  3. I just heard to the news last night the pricde of the british passport will increase to £66

  4. Despite the earlier answer, even though Spain is in the EU, you still need a passport to travel.  This must be valid for at least  months after your return to the UK.

  5. I went in February and passports expired on May 1st. When i enquired they said only 3 months to Spain.

  6. Its the european union mate, no passport needed.

  7. morethan the length of your stay, we're all eu now you know

  8. i think they like about six months

  9. at least six months (thats for travelling anywhere in europe) but if you've got  over six months, then yor fine.


  10. 6 months

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