
How much time do minors get for robbing a house?

by  |  earlier

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How much time do minors get for robbing a house?




  1. Not enough as for me I would give them 25 years on a first offense.

  2. Death.

  3. This is so hard to answer because it can vary on soooo many things

    1)  Criminal record...

    2)  County/State

    3)  Court they get

    4)  The judge they get

    5)  The lawyer they get

    6)  The value of what they steal

            (stealing over a certain limit raises the offense, so steal  a tv set you might be ok, steal a bunch of jewlery guess what)

    7)  How much evidence links them to the crime and how easy it is to prove

    8)  The courts belief if they are a hazzard to recommit

    9) The age of the minor

    10) If anyone was hurt in the comission of the crime

    11) If any other crimes were comitted or charged during the crime (cops can charge burglary OR burglary, criminal trespass, break and enter)

    As you can see, theres a LOT of things that can influence it, they can get off with probation or community service or they can get slammed with the maximum of all sentences and go to jail like an adult for 5-10

    I know this doesnt really answer your question very well, but there's just way too many variables to even be in the ballpark

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