
How much time do you get to see your family after basic training graduation?

by  |  earlier

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this is for the air force if that matters, and how many people are allowed to come? and is it family only?




  1. It depends on if you are going to technical training school and what arrangements the AF has made for you. You may be able to make your own arrangements.

    I would say ask your TI after you have been there for a few weeks.

    good luck

  2. a week or two

  3. They will give you tickets for 4 people. Doesn't matter who you give them to. You get a weekend and you have to be back at a specific time, normally 10:00 pm. every night.

  4. Family and a few close friends and you will be able to see them all week end. Then on to school if you don't get leave.

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