
How much time do you have to return a used verhicle to the dealership after signing a contract?

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I bought the vehicle used, it was not as expected. I thought I had 24 hours to return and the contract would be null and void. True?




  1. none

    their is no cooling off period or 24 hour return policy.

    lemon laws do not apply to used cars.

    check your contract for any warranty or as is clause.

  2. There is no time period to return a vehicle, unless the dealer gave you some kind of written return privilege. Otherwise, enjoy your car.

  3. The common misconception is that you have anywhere from 24-72 hours to do so without penalty. This DOES NOT apply to vehicle sales. Anyone telling you this is not telling the truth.

    When you signed the papers and took delivery, the vehicle became yours. You can try to work something out at the dealer, but they are under no legal obligation to take the car back.

    AND... people spout the "Lemon Law" on here like it's some magic statute you can just mention and get out of anything. It's MUCH more difficult than that, and does not (except in very rare cases) apply to used car purchases.

    Vehicle purchases are always considered "major", always make sure you are certain of your buy before you sign papers.

  4. False. Once you sign the papers it is yours. Now, if there are actual mechanical problems with it you may have some recourse through lemon laws.

    Some dealers may allow for returns within some specified time in their contracts, but it is not law.

  5. yeah dude you cant wipe your but with tissue and say you dont like it and give it back. your car is now a used car.

  6. There is no return on car sales. Lemon law is for new cars only.The time to inspect it or do your homework before you buy it not after. The only thing you can do if you don't want or like it is to trade it in or sell it. Enjoy your new car.........UJN

  7. No time.  It's your car now.  You should have determined if it was suitable for you before you bought it.  that's how it works.

  8. Sorry Jen, The car is yours once you signed that contract and drove it off the lot. Read the contract and see if there is a loophole that might allow you to return the car.


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