
How much time do you play with your kids each day?

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Sometimes I feel like I do not play with my kids enough they are boys 10 and 6 They get out of school at 4 and my youngest goes to bed at 7:30 oldest and 8:30 between homework and dinner and the things I have to do around the house some times I feel like i don't talk to them other then homework time and right before bed is this normal??(also I work full time I am off when they get home....but i still have to clean, pay bills, ect. at night and I work on Saturdays. HELP am I a bad mom?




  1. I have four kids, and I am a full time stay at home mom. If it weren't for nursing my youngest, I probably wouldn't have enough time with her either. My other three, all boys, have each other to keep them entertained, but I can certainly understand where you are coming from. It's hard. Especially when you are working outside the home. (Been there, Done That) The one thing I would suggest is, Make one night just for them. You don't have to pay bills, etc every night. Get them to help clean and you can have fun doing that. Make a game out of cleaning and get them involved with you. Have the older one sit down with you to learn how to pay bills. He will need that skill when he is out on his own and he will appreciate that you took the time to teach him.  YOU ARE NOT A BAD MOTHER!!!!!! Just a very busy one!

  2. You are NOT a bad mom! You're providing for them and doing the best you can! I agree that i don't feel like i get enough time to play with them! The only thing i can suggest is by setting aside an hour or so to throw the football around, or help you with dinner. This could be done by postponing bills and things like that untill after the kids are in bed. Also, you may want to try every saturday alternating turns to pick a fun activity. Board games, dinner, a movie, the park. I've found this to be very fun!

    Good Luck!!

  3. It's ok because they are little you have to take care of things around the house. I think you should take your noticing it and make a point to spend minimum of 30 minutes just playing with them every day. The house can wait. Order a pizza and pull out some board games. Go outside. Take them out to eat. Start a new book to read to them at night, like the new Harry Potter one if they haven't seen it, you can do a little each night.

  4. I'm perfectly happy to give up cleaning if it means playing with my kid.

    I also engage him in certain chores. For instance: cooking. He loves to cook, so guess what? He gets to help mom cook.

    I'm heavily involved with scouts. I was the pack advance person for years and he helped with this as well. Chore for me - he got a kick out of it and we got to hang out together.

  5. I feel the same way and I don't work outside the home! I think all good mothers feel this, why the heck am I not out playing with my kids right now instead of being on here....sometimes I just need a break.

    You are doing what you can, when you can. Relax, besides they have each other to play with. Just you being worried about this makes you NOT a bad mom.

  6. Not a bad mom at are a responsible one who's day is jam packed, just like the rest of us!  If it really bothers you that much, set aside even 15 to 30 minutes each evening/nite with the boys....perhaps you could challenge them to a video tournament (can you do this while cooking dinner?)  You know, loser plays mom kind of deal.....OR.....get out a board game, like Sorry (something the 6 year old can grasp easily) and leave it out on a card table and play it 20 minutes each night before bed....

    there are ways to squeeze it, on Sundays take them to the park, throw the ball with them, have Friday nite movie night and let them stay up late on Fridays...etc....

    you just have to sneak it in and it doesn't have to be for hours on end....LOL.....

    Kudos to you for caring!

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