
How much time do you spend commuting daily?

by  |  earlier

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  1. 10-15 minutes each way

  2. an hour

  3. 1 1/2 each way. If I take the train I read.

  4. I live in Osaka, Japan. Its a big city but I only spend about 50 minutes a day commuting to and from work. By train.

  5. 10 mins to work dropping my daughter in school on the way 10 mins home I come home for lunch so thats 40 minutes

  6. Approximately 2 hours

  7. an hour and thirty in the morning and and hour and forty in the evening.

  8. i only work nights two nights a wekk takes me 30 minutes to work and 40 home thanks how long it take u please good luck take care thank s

  9. Don't make so much noise when you go out to work, I'm retired now.------ used to take 1 1/4 hours each way

  10. 10 minutes either way - walking.  I wasn't put on this planet to sit on a bus for 2 hours a day looking miserable.

  11. 45 minutes in the morning, 1 hour coming back in the evening.

  12. 25 min in the morning and about 30 in the afternoon

  13. total of an hour and a half unless there are unsuspected traffic delays (rarely thank god!).

  14. 20 mins in the morning

    40 mins in the evening

  15. 1 hour a day!!!!

  16. An hour each way. Drive to park car, walk to train station. Train journey then walk to the office.

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