
How much time do your parents spend?

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During home school through the high school years.

I know it is different for everyone.





  1. By the time they reach high school maybe maximum about an hour, or two.

    We discuss many things during the day from history to the social ills, how to work with difficult people, budgeting, college, church, friends, and such.

    Most of the work is done independently, and at times during the day/evening when they choose to do so.

    Between work, studying, and other interests we have never really taken the time to see "how much time" because it just comes natural, it's part of how we live.

  2. My parents spend time very organized. They set schedules for htem to know what to do. They don't forget to do their work and responsibilities. My parents have a time to spend with us for our bonding.................................... They were very organized!

  3. May I answer as a parent?  My son went to breakfast with the men of our local assembly and is not here to answer.

    My answer: Not enough time.

    I spend approximately an hour each day checking work.

    I spend approximately half hour writing out assignments.  This includes sorting out vital information in text books and finding supportive material and activities to make text books more interesting; i.e.  video, audio, interactive material and visuals.

    Once or twice a week, we sit down going over work.  This can take  3 to 4 hours.  

    We often read and watch videos or listen to audio together.  

    So, I can't quote an exact number of hours but definitely ...not enough time.

  4. I havent reach the high school years yet but I plan to continue doing as I am now all the way through. This is a day at my house:

    7:30- get up and cook breakfast together reading in cook book measuring ingrediants and such and eat

    8:30 -we do life skills:take medications,clean dishes ,make beds,discuss how we feel

    9:00- read library books

    9:30 -start math assignments-discuss if not understanding concept and work out a few problems together to reinforce new concept

    10:15 break and gentle stretching

    10:30 language arts-mostly self guided

    11:15 stop for lunch prep

    12:00 eat lunch talk about what was learned or interesting facts we read about. then clean up

    1:00- read library book or flip through encyclopedia for something of interest to learn about.

    2:00 our offical day is done but we may go to the grocery store and price compare  as we shop or go to the church and volunteer at the thrift store

    4:00 The kids go to the park for some interaction with friends and exercise.

    6:00-home for dinner and chores.

    As you can see I spend a lot of time with my children teaching not only school related but things they will need to know as adults

  5. Answering from a mom's perspective....

    I have three sons - 15, 17 and 19. The older two are full time college students, who started taking classes at the college part time when they were 14 and 16. My youngest will do the same this fall.

    The youngest is now a high school freshman. We sit down each weekend for about an hour and plan out what work he will do over the next week or so. During the week, he works independently and I check to see where he is at with each subject. He plans what he will work on each day. I see the high school years as college prep and don't feel a need to be there every minute while he works (and he certainly does not want that either!).

    We also do other activities together and with other homeschoolers during the week - bowling, skating, visiting museums, going to the library, visiting a nursing home where my great aunt lives, etc.

  6. you mean quality time? my dad is working so, i'm left with my mum. we see each other everyday but the sentences exchanged are very very little. i leave the house around 6.30am (my dad is still asleep) and reach home sometimes only around 7pm. who talks much during the morning especially when i need to rush off. When i reach home, need to rush my homework. So, quality time spent is very little whereas time spent is a lot. Do you get what i'm trying to say?

  7. my parents are having all the time for me or spending with me.................

    they can leave their important work too for spending time with me.

  8. For my 9th grader...

    I have said here before that I really serve as more of a coach and guidance counselor ...

    3 of his 7 classes are taken outside the home.

    For these external three classes...

    Algebra II - he occasionally has a question or two that I am able to answer or help him find the answer to... So, maybe an hour per week.

    Ancient Lit - I proofread his papers... So, maybe an hour a week.

    Speech - proofreading and practice... maybe an hour a week.

    Courses that are not external:

    Spanish - using Rosetta Stone ... zero hours a week.

    History - an hour or two a week that is mostly discussion and project work.

    Physical science - maybe an hour a week.

    Computer science / apprenticeship - around 3 or 4 hours a week.

    Some extracurricular stuff (ACT prep, student newspaper, career and college exploration activities, field trip activities) ... maybe two hours a week...

    So, roughly 12 hours a week - sometimes more and sometimes less - depending on need.

    He is operating very much like a college student would and is very independent.

  9. When I was in high school my parents mostly spent time checking work or reading over essays.  They really did not do much teaching because at the age most students don't need someone to walk them through everything.  I decided most of my assignment, I gave myself a schedule, and I did all the work.

  10. I am a parent but I will answer this.  My children are older now and are able to do most of their work independently. If I notice when checking their work that they don't seem to have a concept down though, I will sit with them and we'll have a "class" together, where I go over the work with them. When they were younger I did more actual teaching.


  11. I've always really enjoyed teaching myself. My mom helps me  whenever I stuck and can't understand. She also helps me get my thoughts together whenever I have a paper. I do some of my classes online so I have other teachers too. On average I guess she spends just a couple hours a week with me, but she works at home so it's real easy to just pop in and ask her one question whenever I want.

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