
How much time does Amy Winehouse got left till she....?

by  |  earlier

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..... dies

I think a month




  1. Okay lets put 1 and 1 together she drinks like a sailor (more) shes on drugs why can't you tell that she dies from that?? overdoze to much drinking thats always a posibiliy and her corpse i think wont be cried over lame songs  

  2. I think it wouldn't be a big lose to the world if she did. In the business she's in she has the best psychiatrists and doctors at hand, yet she chooses not to get help. It's sad to see, but It's her problem.  

  3. Well she has already got early symptoms of lung disease or something??? And she's only 24 or something? I think she'll just drop dead in a few years...too bad because her style and songs were cool and unique in the sea of trash.  

  4. 40 years...

    blake will get out, they both will be clean, and they will live happily together.

    i think she will be fine,

    she is on the mend atm.

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