
How much time does a homeschooling kid do?

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7th grade.




  1. Depends on you and your family.

    I unschooled 5 or more hours a day, plus I went to private and public schools.  What the schools didn't teach me I taught myself.

    When I unschooled in computer programing and internet I was doing 4-12 hours a day, depending on the day, 7 days a week.

  2. depends on the kid

  3. I think it depends on the student.  

    Forgive me for joking with you, but I think most homeschooling parents are doing the homeschooling so their kids won't ever 'do time':-)

  4. im in 7th grade and i work from 10-2

    4 hours.but it depends on how efficiently you work.

  5. On average, it takes between one and a half to three hours to cover the same material that one learns in a classroom setting.  The rest of the time, the student is free to pursue other interests.  Hope this helps.

  6. I'm in year nine (secondary school) and i only have to do 2 hours.

  7. I am not sure, my kids do not "do time", they are free to choose the amount of time that it takes them to finish their work.

    Some day's it takes an hour or two; if they have an off day they can drag it out for several hours.

    It depends on their mood, and the amount of activities/classes they have that day outside the home.

  8. I'm homeschooled, and last year, for instance, I worked an average of five hours a day. I was taking a considerable number of classes- English, World History, Current Events, Geometry, Biology, German II, Art, Home Economics, and Gym/Health- but it simply doesn't take as long when working independently to complete material.

  9. Well, each kid is different, but in my case, I only needed two or three hours of scheduled school per day (Journal, Math, Handwriting, Spelling, etc... It doesn't take that long). For the rest of the day, I learned on my own. You know, until I was allowed on the video games ;-)

    From my experience as a home schooled kid, it really doesn't take that long to get all of the major subjects covered. Public schools make things take way longer than they should be.

    For example, I was home schooled for over seven years. I enrolled in a GED prep course thinking that I was way behind everyone else in my math skills (I have never enjoyed math). As it turned out, I wasn't very far behind at all. I caught up to everyone else in just a few days. Like I said, school doesn't need to take that long.

    Hmm... After looking at your question again, I realize that it may have a double meaning. "How much time does a homeschooling kid do?" Well, I suppose that would depend on the crime committed, yes? Or is homeschooling itself the crime? If that's the case, I don't believe that any kid should be forced to do time just because he is home schooled.

    Just kidding. You left yourself wide open for that one. Hope I answered your question.

  10. OKay well for my homeschool, I have to do at least 6hours a day in night school.  So i would say the average is between 4-6 hours. Though your hours may be shorter since your work is easier.

  11. My 9th grader puts in around 6 - 10 hours a day.  Sometimes more, sometimes less.

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