
How much time does it take to make wind energy?

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How much time does it take to make wind energy?




  1. Energy cannot be created, it can only change form!

  2. If you are making ENERGY from wind, it is instantaneous.

    Making wind from energy should also be instantaneous, depending upon how much WIND you make.

  3. Wind energy is quite inefficient, compared to other sustainable methods such as tidal power and solar power.

    Shadow fails to realise that 1) fossil fuels will eventually be depleted and 2) the CO2 released causes long-term rise in temperature.

  4. You can't MAKE wind energy. It is a complex function of terrain and atmospheric heating caused by the suns solar energy.

    Also, your syntax is not at all correct. Energy cannot be CREATED, (or destroyed) only transformed from one form to another. Some FORMS of energy are chemical (gasoline, lead-acid battery storage) kenetic (object in motion) heat (from combustion or friction) radiation (sun or thermonuclear).

    We spend our whole lives dealing with the transformation of energy. We dig up the coal to burn it for heat (a form of energy) only to see it disipate into the atmosphere and we have to go get more coal.

    We pump crude oil from the ground to provide energy to propel our cars forward, only to create brake pads to stop that forward motion (turning kenetic energy of the moving vehicle created from oil) and watch as the energy transformation from motion to heat bleeds away the energy to the surrounding air. Then, we go BACK to the gas pump to "get more potential energy to burn and disipate".  

    Personally, I think Capt. Kirk had the right idea with the teletransporter thingy. No heat generated, just atomic transmission through time and space.

  5. A long time. Longer than it takes to use it up. Thats why fossil fuels are the way forward and anyone who says otherwise is a close-minded-weed-puffing-left-wing-hipp...

  6. Depends on how quickly you can down that bean burrito.

  7. Not quite sure what you mean.

    If you mean create electrical energy from some kind of turbine it takes about as close to instantly as you can get.

    If you mean the raw energy of wind. That is a creation of countless factors within the atmosphere so it would depend on when you started counting, you could start from the beginning of time, if there was a beginning.

    Though if your converting wind to electric you will not get the same amount of electrical energy as the wind power being inputted. Some energy will be replaced as heat and sound due to friction within the turbine.

  8. 2 hrs 11 mins 24.8seconds

  9. Thats a hard question, i dont think that there is a straight answer for that.  

    I'm pretty sure as long as you have a conversion system, you can use it right away.  But the problem is harvesting enough wind and developing a conversion system that doesnt eat too much of the power to convert it.

    The other problem is with animal rights groups protesting wind turbines because they are harmful for flying creatures.  So they protest the turbines to save the flying animals instead of letting the technology go to save the human race (and our need for a little to no impact energy means).  

    sorry, little rant, but still i'm pretty sure it is instantaneous as long as you have a conversion means.

  10. Years I think.

  11. I've been making wind energy all day.

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