
How much time in advace do i send bithday party invites?

by  |  earlier

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what info and what wording should I put for a 1st birthday party




  1. at least 3 weeks in case someone needs to request it off from work.

  2. One week is sufficient time.

    Too early, your friends tend to forget.

    Too close, they may not have the time to prepare what to wear and get ready.

  3. 3 or 4 weeks ahead

  4. 3 or 4 weeks b4 hand is good

  5. I would say about 3 weeks bcause they have enough time to decide, and also give them time to clear out their calendar for that day.

  6. I would say 3 weeks in advance so everyone can mark their calendar. You wouldn't have to be worrying about the invitations anymore. Trust me. Although, you could send them 2 and a half weeks in advance also.

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