
How much time in fron of the tv is okay?

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my 3 yr old brother watches a lot of bob the builder, thomas the train, barney etc. but how much time in front of the tv is okay for 3 yr. olds?




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  2. i would say regardless of the type of program, it needs to be limited to no more than 30-minute segments at a time and should be the last resort (meaning he doesn't want to play or be read to).

    "garbage" tv should be off limits at all times. children are sponges at this age... we should fill their minds with as many valuable and positive things as possible.

  3. You show alot of maturity to ask this question. I am a former preschool teacher. A 3 year old should not be watching TV. Studies have shown a link between that and attention deficit disorder. Several times a week will not hurt but should be programs for his age level and an adult (or big brother or sister) should watch with the child and discuss what you are watching. Get him to think creatively with open ended questions such as Why do you think the monkey did that? or How would you feel if such and such happened to you?

  4. I honestly don't think a child under 5 needs to watch tv. And then when they reach 5 it should be only one show a day untill like niine, then two hours, then at 13 they can watch as much as they want

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  6. I'd say at the most half hour.. for the full day.. break it up into 10 minute spots.. 3 times a day.  like "we can take a break from playing or doing something to watch this special thing" and put the DVD to something on, like a LEARNING dvd.. like alphabets.. and sounds of the alphabet.. or numbers.. or learning about animals..but not just letting him watch cartoons and mindless babble.  You're not doing him any favors by allowing him to do this.   And toys that "do" things.. get toys that he has to use his imagination to play with.. those will help him more than toys that do things, and all he has to do is push or pull them or push a button.  Get lots of drawing pads, and crayons and markers. Sure he might draw on himself, so get washable markers (washable crayons don't wash that well off walls I have discovered).  Go  to the park 2 or 3 times per week, go to your local library 2 times a week.  Get him a library card (even at this age).  They have books that come with tapes, that all he has to do is look at pictures, look at the words and flip the pages.  it will get him liking books.  Get your mom onto him about this.   3 hours of TV a day is about all anyone needs to watch daily.   go read a book, expand your mind (and vocabulary :P)

  7. yeah my lil bro the same way, but instead the tv he play video games. well, at least 5 hrs but tell him to watch it far away and not to close to the tv.

  8. for 3 year olds, not too much. those are some very important years of their life when a child should be learning and growing. i think 3 hrs a day/ 6 of his favorite shows should be good.

  9. The less the better...studies have shown a link between hours of TV viewing and attention problems in children.

  10. Really depends on what is being watched,,,,,,The Discovery Ch.   Animal Planet..... TLC..........National Geographic.. are recommended  for all ages ........To Learn ! ! ! ! you can never start too young

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