
How much time in the microwave = 80 degrees celisus?

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How much time in the microwave = 80 degrees celisus?




  1. The microwave does not transfer all of its heat to a material being heated.  It is more complicated than that.  

    Microwaves operate in the spectra of light that is very active for water molecules (I believe it is a rotational mode).  Foods high in water will have greater adsorption of the energy transmitted.

    In any case, food is heated inhomogenously - you take a bite, "hey that's cold", you take another, "that burned all the skin from the roof of my mouth!"  Probably 80 C somewhere in that morsel, though.

  2. 9 minutes

  3. other two answers are totally wrong.

    Amount of heat transfered to an object in a microwave is constant, about 1000 watts. If the object is large, has lots of water, it will be heated up slowly. If the object is small, like a drop of water, it will be heated up quickly.

    So a few seconds will get a drop of water to boiling (100C). A large container may take 20 minutes.

    For that matter, a similar effect happens on a regular stove. A large pot of water can take 30 minutes to bring to a boil, but a small pot can be boiling in a few minutes.

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