
How much time it take to go US from India on visit visa and what the questions asked at embassy?

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I would like to visit US and I want to go there quick, so what are the different visas available for me

if Visit Visa, how much time it take if I applied now and what the questions asked at embassy

how much it cost

what are the precautions to travel and staying there

Which is the best whether to opt for travel agencies online to go on tour or go and see on my own

How long I can stay in US on visit visa and what are other possibilities to earn during my visit

You can answer me sirisha_par at yahoo




  1. Set an appointment with the US Embassy for about three months before your intended date of visit to the US.  Prepare documents showing that you will return to India after the visit such as land titles, certificate of employment, car registration and a credible bank account.  Just tell the truth during the interview and your visa will be approved.

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