
How much time off do I have working with the Trinidad & Tobago government?

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If I'm working within any of the T&T government branches how much time off do I really get a year?

How much vacation days?

How much Sick days?

How much public holidays?

How much rain days?

People let me know.




  1. Yuh hardly have to work lol

    And when you are working, you just have to sit around, and get vex if any citizen comes to you asking for help lmao

  2. I curious to know the answers too cuz it seem like dem does geh real dayz off dred..

    rain fall = is a day off..

    place flood out = day off...

  3. TS dread de higher up the $$$ ladder is mo vacation in yuh tail.

    But on avg. 12 days vacation, 14 sick, 5 casual. Daz fu entry level people eh.

    If it eh have to clocking card ..well yuh fix jus pass in and let dem see yuh face in de morn.

    I wish i had it so nice, dem people here put up a biometric palm reader so not even meh boy cud clock fu meh..... unless he have meh hand

  4. I could only talk for Teachers, not that I'm one but family.

    Every public holiday = 12 plus don't forget the wining season,

    Vacation:    2wks for Easter...............     8wks for August

                         3wks for Christmas

    With the above you will obviously get an overlap of the public days right.

    14dys sick leave and..................... 14dys occasional leave

    For the ladies..............3mths maternity leave.

  5. all i kno is it mus be alot cuz seem like eryotha week is some kinda holiday

    Jus Jaz prolly got it right

  6. hull alyuh

    is 14 sick days

    7 casual

    and 21 days vacation every year.....

    but some ppl does over do it an want to send in extended sick leave an thing.... I workin in d gov't so i go know

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