
How much time should I study every week for my online classes?!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm taking online classes this semester, and I was wondering how much time is enough time to study each week? I am not working right now, so I can dedicate a lot of time to study every day. I am taking 5 classes, and it equals out to 14 credit hours. I was thinking that I can study 4-5 hours a day M-F. It turns out to be 20-25 hours of studying a week. Is that good enough or should I study more every day?




  1. Teachers for the online classes are afraid to lose control over students.  It is extremely important to follow their directions.  For example, if a professor wants you to post 2 discussion board questions or answers, do it before the deadline.  And as your question, I think 20 to 25 hours is more than enough for the normal person.  But, you should know your ability in learning.  You must your weakness and strength towards subjects.  I took 5 courses in the past spring ( Im in an online program at Northeastern U), I studied 5-7 hours a week.  Except on exam week.  Good luck!

  2. well: it depends with  " Higher Education (University +)  and basicly

    how many classes is you taking as needed but that would be very

    important  Answers  Education& Reference  says study time

    must get completed  every day at home "try 2hrs of homework help

  3. this is such a subjective question

    Some people study little to none at all.

    It will depend largely on you, specifically how quickly you learn, the difficulty level of the course, and the amount of homework given.

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