
How much time should a 6 year old spend studying?

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My daughter is in the kindergarden & she's having some trouble reading. Normally I would talk to her teacher, but after being absent for 1&1/2 months due to her family's illness, she either quit or got fired. In that time, the subsitute didn't make much of an effort to teach the children cause she thought it was only temporary. Well now she's the teacher & still not making much of an effort. I don't know if it because it's the end of the year or she's not a "full time" teacher but I have notice a change in my daughter reading.

Everynight we read a book together & she forgets words she learn back in the beginning of the year. I work with her after school & have tried different methods but some things are not sticking.

Maybe I just have higher expectations for her or she's where she should be. I don't want to push her too much, but I don't want her to start the 1st grade behind. If someone could please tell me how much time is good & any methods that could help. Thanks.




  1. 20 Minutes a day. Any more is not good because it is to much for them to handle.

  2. 15-20minutes a day that short of time bc a kindergartner can not take alot of time all at once reading, try also reading cat in the hat at first that's what i had to do In 1st grade i also had a problem reading so they had a special program for me and my friend in 1st grade so try:

    cat in the hat

    Junie B. Jones

    and some lower lvl reading books

    But by 5th grade i was reading books like the Twilight Series i just practiced alot like that with my mom in kindergarden,

    Gl with your Child! Hope i helped =)

  3. its okay if she cant remember these things because all children are different and have their own pace of learning. You should practice with her 1 hour a day so she can remember easier. Let her review the alphabet and brake up the words in syllables so she will be able to pronounce it. Don't buy hard books for her to read.

  4. Honestly a minimal amount being that she is so young you don't want to frustrate her or cause her to resent learning/homework. All kids learn at their own pace if she is so far behind that it seems to be causing her to struggle and stress  I would address the situation immediately. I would buy learning toys for her, take her to your local library to check out books make it an adventure, purchase some learning videos or Cd's with songs something she can play over and over that she can learn from, keep some in the car as your out and about. Be assured that she will eventually learn (Gods time table not ours). Just make learning fun for her and she'll be looking for new things to learn everyday and might just teach you a thing or two. They're minds are like sponges retaining information she'll let it out when ready.

    Best Wishes.

  5. My sister in law home schools my two nieces. One is an excellent reader and the younger one struggles. For the younger one they got the Hooked on Phonics and it actually DOES work. She is reading much better after only a couple of months. You should look into buying one for her for Summer time and use it for about 20 minutes a day (I believe this is how long they used it for my niece daily). I would also have a talk with the teacher and if you get no where with her talk to the principal. She cannot be ignoring her duties as a teacher just because it is close to the end of the year.

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