
How much time spans between when you have s*x and the child is born?

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How much time spans between when you have s*x and the child is born?




  1. 9 months?

  2. Since doctors count 40 weeks from the first day of your last period when they tell you the date the baby will be born, there is normally 36-38 weeks between the day you had s*x and the day the baby is born. A woman normally ovulates between 2 and 3 weeks from the first day of her period and this is when she can become pregnant.

  3. 9 months 2 weeks after conception. That is technically the duration of a pregnancy and delivery on the exact due date...which is rare. But technically from conception-due date it is 9months 2 weeks. 10 months if you count from your lmp.

  4. 40 weeks, give or take

  5. um, nine months?  Is this a trick question?

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