
How much times are people going to use that redundant obama isnt experience enough?

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First im 14 and well John F Kennedy had much less experience then Obama For one thing but that's a luke point. We have been having the same types of presidents the same type of politics . The rich get richer the poor gets poorer . We are spending money in wars that we could be putting in poor communities . Single mothers have to decide rather to pay the rent or pay for grocies. Most of you guys have never expierenced anything like this. You have it easy. And what gets on my nerves is John mccain cleary says he knows how to win wars. yet correct me if im wrong wasent he the prisoner of one.




  1. Obama to self...143 days in the Senate and then run for President.

  2. umm i dont think you sound single mothers choosing rent over i find that funny..most i know dont have to worry about groceries..they have their foodstamp card with more money on it than we have left after we pay all of our bills for the umm think again...we hand people hand out over hand they do anything to deserve them? do they try to better themselves..h**l no they figured it out its easy to sit back and keep on takin the hand outs..obama is not the man for office..and at least mccain showed up to fight the war.....can you say the same for your man? or did he only decide that he was american in the last few years and the military is too lowly a career move for him?

  3. and how much international exp, bush and cilnton had before presidency?

    this exp. thing is a just nonsense,

  4. is english your first language?  if not, then at 14 you should have a better command of the english language.  allow me to assist you on words i don't believe were mere typos.  (give you the benefit of the doubt on those)

    re: your initial Q = how MANY times, not MUCH & there is a D on the end of experienced.

    LUKE? do you mean 'MOOT' point?

    the poor GET, not GETS poorer.

    decide WHETHER to pay... not RATHER

    WASN'T not WASENT.

    and yes, as a single mother of 4 children i took care of all alone without having a college ed. or welfare or food stamps, i can say i HAVE experienced financial difficulty.  even terror on the financial front.  but i had MY children, not you, not my neighbor, not the person who owns the business down the block. the only person 'co-responsible' was my ex-husband.

    and i'll bet you know diddly from not having a telephone, tv, internet, cel, computer, cookies, roasts, fast food etc etc etc...  unlike my children, who truly know the meaning of 'poor'.

    how many times did i get asked if we could have those 'special dollars' the lady in line in front of us had.  because if you had those, you could buy cookies and steaks and the 'real' hotdogs.

    now that they are all grown and educated and earning their own living, i can't count the number of times they've looked in contempt at their much wealthier cousins who trash and don't respect what they've been GIVEN: things like brand new trucks, cars, musical instruments, nice homes, $1000 pets, dropping out of excellent private schools and and on and on.

    and hey, great. good for your parents if they are providing well for you.  now are your parents responsible for providing those things for my children? or paying my rent because the ex wouldn't pay his child support?

    do a little practical thinking, will you?

  5. I must say one thing: at 14 years of age you have more sense than most on here, and for that I congratulate and applaud you.

    Your points are quite true, well-reasoned and hit on the truth as to how things really are now.

    It is very refreshing to hear things summed up so succinctly.

  6. Sorry, you are factually incorrect.

    JFK had served in WWII and had been in the US House of Representatives and Senate for 14 years.

    Obama has been in the US Senate for 143 days.

    We spend more money on combined service to the poor than we do in the entire defense budget which only consumes 3.9% of GDP, less than it was during the Clinton years and less than 1/3 of what it was during the Cold War. Single mothers on public assistance are eligible to receive both housing benefits and food programs which are from separate sources so they do not have to "choose."

    Most of us HAVE experienced times far worse than today.  The Carter Administration makes this look like a walk in the park on a Spring day and the proposals of the Obama campaign are almost identical to those of Jimmy Carter.

    None of us ever have it easy. Life is not easy and I hope that no one has ever led you to believe that it is.

    Get it straight.  We are in Iraq. John McCain has the experience to conclude America's involvement there safely and successfully.  Most American agree by a margin of more than 2 to 1 because they realize that Obama does not have any background or experience in military and foreign affairs.  He is not ready to lead or to be commander in chief.

    McCain knows the horror of war firsthand. He doesn't want any other human being to suffer like he did. Ever. Why should that get on your nerves?  

  7. It is not redundant.  Look up the word before using it incorrectly.

    Obama has no experience or leadership.  However, I am more concerned that he lacks honesty and character and that he is an America hating racist ex-crackhead Marxist.  

  8. Obama isn't experienced enough.

    The truth hurts doesn't it?

  9. Well I disagree with most of your points, but let's tackle the "rich get richer" argument.  One thing that you'll find if you study tax return data is that very few people stay in the same tax bracket their entire life.  In fact most people (>50%) actually increase their economic status as they get older.  So even though the percentage of poor may be relatively constant, increase, or decrease year over year, for the most part, it isn't the same people.

  10. It's a perfectly logical reason for not trusting a candidate for such a big job. But sometimes, experience isn't necessary to do a good job, and hasn't been a requirement for all of our past POTUS's; especially not the current one.

  11. Well, think about this... According to recently published books, the national debt is a lot more than the admitted 9 trillion dollars.  It is actually about 54 Trillion dollars.  Most of that is in Un-funded Medicare, Medicaid, Food stamps, and other entitlements spending.  Currently that amount is somewhere around the 34 Trillion dollar mark.  Cuurently the GAO (General Accountability Office) doesn't show these items as an actual debt because it hasn't occurred yet.  However, that obligation is heavily pressing down on all of us.  All the Debts from WWi, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan added up together would not even equal 20% of that amount.  So do the math ... 80% going into aid and other assistance for the financially deprived.  and 20% going into wars, etc.  The government is already doing exactly as you say they should be doing.

    Please also remember that Viet Nam started on the Kennedy watch, but then was escalated wildly by LBJ within 24 hours of the Kennedy Assaniation.

    At the time John McCain became a prisoner of war, he was a Pilot in the Air Force, whose commander in chief was LBJ, a Democrat.  And McCain was just doing as he was ordered to do.  So, that is a real stretch of the imagination for that comment.

    There is so much media twisting of the truth on both sides, that it is hard to really know who's telling the truth or not.  I would not want to be falsley accuse, so I am careful not to accuse others without specific facts to back up my statements.  

  12. Until it sinks into your hard little heads.

    Trust me, at 14, you don't know the value of experience.  You'll look back at this election season in 40 years and laugh at yourself.

  13. Obama is a good manager as evidenced by his primary campaign; he has a fresh way of looking at things and is good at making progress by bring opposing sides together.  We have had experienced people running the country for years, we are in a real mess.  Time for a fresh start, new ideas.  

  14. Your a smart kid.

  15. Wow! For 14yo that was very well put.And i agree with you 100%.Yes it is getting old saying he has no experience.

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