
How much to ask for from a insurance company when you broke your toe and the company is at fault?

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I been out of work for 6 weeks. Do to a broken big toe on my foot. They had to remove my big toe nail for my toe to heel properly. They agree to pay for my bills and my lost of income for that time I was out. But I don't know what to ask for when it come to pain and suffering. Can somebody help me with this; I don't want to be outrageous but I do want to be fair with the insurance company.




  1. Whose insurance company?  Did this happen on the job or off the job?

  2. Pain and suffering?  Please...  

    You broke a toe, not lost a limb for goodness sake!  Be happy that they offered to pay for your med bills and lost income!  

    To approximate lost income, just take your mean weekly income and multiply by the number of weeks you were out (six weeks).  Add that to your med bills and have documentation.

    But their not going to hear any claims about "pain and suffereing".  Be for real...

  3. Sounds to me like they are already being fair with you - paying medical bills and your lost income.   Why do you want ot hold them up for more??

    How was the "company" at fault?

    Take the money, get back to work and get on with your life!

  4. This should be covered under your Workers Comp - go see a lawyer and have them help you free of charge.  If you don't go to Workers Comp Lawyer yourself they won't offer you assistance.

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