
How much to buy or sell stocks with Smith Barney ?

by Guest60313  |  earlier

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I'm curious to know what others are paying. A friend of mine just got charged $300 to execute a telephone order. Does this sound right to anybody? I thought it might have cost 60-60$????




  1. Yes it does seem high BUT,

    Commission schedules for full service firms are based on the quantity of shares in the order, and the price of the security.  

    It would not be fair to judge Smith Barney, who happens to be one of the better firms in the industry, with out knowing the full details of the order and the markets it was traded.

    One major advantage Smith Barney customer have is the massive support and services the company provides the investing community.

    The company has one of the better order routing systems, back office operations, corporate capital financing, and reputations so let's not judge them without the full facts.

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