
How much to charge to babysit a 4 year old boy, and a 6 month old baby girl? The family is on a fixed income.?

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Today I was offered a babysitting job for a 4 year old boy, and a 6 month old baby. They seem to be well behaved, and the parents are on a fixed income. And another question I charge hourly or one flat fee? I live in Biloxi, Mississippi and was wanting to know what is the average hourly charge in this state for babysitting? And I will be having to wake up at 5am for the job if that changes anything.




  1. I'm in Ireland so I don't know the local rates for you but I'd charge

    25 euro for half a day and 50 euro for a night/full day.

    (25 euro is about $35)

  2. see what they are comftrabel paying you, and it is very rude to ask for ___ amount. i talked to the lady i babysit for and she gives me 5 an hour for 3 kids it all depends on the age group and how much work is needed but dont charge so much and fixed income should not have to pay the same at least you are getting some money...

  3. A lot of people have this stupid notion that a babysitter should work for like $20 a day. If you worked a full day that is like $2.50 an hour. You can't live on that. You need to charge at least minimum wage. You are watching ONLY their children. It is a JOB. The fact that they are on a fixed income really means nothing. Why would you work for less than minimum wage?

  4. When I pay my babysitter, if she is going to babysit for one night here and there, I pay her $8.00 an hour.  If She is babysitting the whole week (for a couple of hours a day) then I pay her $100.00 per week.  I wouldn't take less than the minimum wage in your area.

  5. I have been babysitting for 8 years for families and 100/week for 2 kids with a family on a fixed income is not enough. I would ask for 50.00 for the day (8 hours). That is 250.00 for the week. That is 6.50 an hour, which is still cheap and it would be much different if the kids were older and able to fend for themselves. Babysitting all day is just like a job and dont underestimate yourself. I get 10/hr for two kids right now, but I also live in Virginia. If you feel that is too much then take at least 200 for the week.

  6. I Baby sit for a family with low income and i charge $10 for 6 hours a day.

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