
How much to cost the power windows/clutch on Mini Cooper 2005?

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Why do all problems happen in threes?! My 2005 Mini Cooper S has three problems. The driver side and passenger windows do not go down anymore! I don't hear the motor running so it may be a fuse. Also, the clutch will need to be replaced soon, and on top of it all the drivers side door does not open from the inside anymore!!! How much do you think it will cost to fix all of these problems individually? I am just scared it will be over 2grand, which I don't have to spend right now. Thanks!!!




  1. wow.. that sucks.. the clutch is around 500.00 for the s model installed. the window problem may be cheap depending on the exact problem. if its just a fuse.. 1.00 .   if its a regulator or motor 50-175.00 with labor.  hard to say exactly since you really are not sure what the problem is in the doors. could just be the plug at the switch too. easy fix there.  as far as the door not opening , you ned to look at the little plastic connectors to the door latch rod and see if they're broke... you need to find a good honest mechanic to help you . the dealer will drain you till it hurts... good luck

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