
How much to drink to become alcoholic?

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I drink about half a glass to 2 glasses of wine a night, most nights. Is this enough to be an alcoholic?




  1. Alcoholism has nothing to do with amount or frequency. Alcoholism is determined by need.

    Do you have an uncontrollable need to have alcohol?

  2. There is no number of units someone needs to be an alcoholic. An alcoholic is someone who can't get through a day without drinking, they crave it and tend to have physical withdrawal symptoms such as sweating and dizziness if they don't consume alcohol after a certain amount of time. Hope this helps.

  3. to become an alcoholic no particular quantity required just become dependent upon it and unable to function normally without it. It could be a large quantity as traditionally associated with 'drunks' or just the amount you're drinking. Stop for a month or two, see how you get on.

  4. dude you should be getting out some good old Jack Daniels or some Coffie Brandy drink two glasses of that without mixing it.

  5. I doubt it - although I drink a bottle of wine a night so what would I know !

  6. Being an alcoholic is not necessarily about how much you drink, but why you drink.

    Ask yourself this, can you do without that glass of wine at night? An alcoholic is someone who needs alcohol.

  7. Your only a alcoholic if you cant go a night without it!


    i smoke like 3spilfs aday just to replax, that dont make me a junky

  9. I have drunks in my family and I have noticed that my grandpa for breakfast drinks tequila and NEVER EVER drinks water nor milk..and he drinks 4 times a day..

    His alive and very happy even if his drunk..His happy..But my grandma is NOT.

    You are not a alocholic..When you lose your job and everything for a beer...than you are..I got a DUI for my free time drinking..runs in the family..SICK..anyways..I was hit by a sober driver and That is how I got caught..I told the cop it was tylonyal that I drank and they did not belive me..LOL..

    But..I will never ever drink and drive after work.

  10. its not really about how much you have, its about dependence on alcohol. you are an alcoholic if you cant go without  the drink. if you feel that you need it, rather thn want it.

  11. It depends.  A lot of people say they aren't an alcoholic, but one way to know is:  Stop.  If you can stop drinking, then you probably aren't an alcoholic.  But if you can't, then maybe you are.

  12. Youre an Alcoholic if you drink like 2 bottles to 6 bottles of beer per day .

  13. There is a really good book that really works without all the fuss of the AA aproach called Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol.

    Here is a link:

    It will answer your question much better than I could.

  14. You are an alcoholic if you feel that you cant go without it or your always having cravings for it basically

  15. every day allday

  16. Alcoholics are not able to stop drinking, while people who like alcohol can stop if they want to.

  17. Not really, but many people are hung up on being 'alcohol' or not - like it is black and white and there aren't any degrees in between.

    I eat junk food to a point where it has a degree of a negative impact on my life.  It is something that I could do with addressing, but it is not an all or nothing issue and it could be greater and it could be lesser a problem.

    To have a problem or issue with alcohol is not to necessarily an all or nothing matter.  And different people are affected by different degrees, sometimes progressively.  I would view you as a unique individual first and your issues secondary.

    If you feel you have a probelm or want more rational exploration I would check out

    All the best

  18. It's not a question of how much you drink, it's a question of how much you need it. If you can't go a few nights without it (and start feeling withdrawl symptoms if you try) then there is a good chance that you may be alcoholic. If you can & don't feel any ill effects or cravings for it then there is a good chance that you aren't an alcoholic!

  19. Being an alcoholic means you are physically dependent on alcohol and have withdrawls without it.

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