
How much to feed saltwater fish?

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my brother died recently and I decided to leave his room the way it is forever. He has a 5 gal. saltwater fish tank, with 3 small fish in there that are all variations of clown fish and some snails. I know he feeds them with this frozen shrimp stuff. they're little rectangles about 2 inches in length and 1 in width. I'm wonder how much I should feed them and how many days between feeding them? I know you mix it in with water before you give it to them. I know he didnt give them a whole cube, maybe like a 1/4 of one or less.




  1. I'm sorry for your lost.

  2. Sorry to hear that and its nice to want to keep his room like that.What i do with my 30 gall is i feed them once a day so feed them when you eat.This will help with the water quality because the fish wont make as much waste.

  3. Sorry for your loss.

    Are you sure the tank is 5 gallons? That's too small for any saltwater fish. What are the dimensions? Clownfish really need 30 gallons or larger for a pair. Maybe you should research marine and reefkeeping, maybe your brother had some books or you could buy some. Maybe put together a much larger tank in your brothers memory, I'm sure he would have loved that!

    As for the feeding for now, only small amounts once or twice a day should suffice.  

  4. sorry to hear about your's a small tank.feed them small amounts ,2-3 times a day if the water quality closely.

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