
How much to pay a totur?

by  |  earlier

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*It's for foriegn language (Russian).

*How much should i pay the totur per hour?

*The girl i am asking to totur me, speaks english but learned russian in college

* ps. she dosent need to get materials or anything i already have the books, ect.

* How much extra should i pay her to come to my house?




  1. If the tutor is not a professional then you should pay $15.00-$20.00 an hour which includes travel expenses.

    I know a teacher that tutors and she charges $25.00 an hour which includes travel expenses.

  2. $10 an hour plus gas to travel.

  3. in malaysia, mostly our country tutors(not toturs) teaches for 1 hour n a half! they charge(with experience, n driving to ur place) $12 !

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