
How much to pay for gutters getting cleaned?

by  |  earlier

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I had a roofing company come out to check a leak in the roof, they thought it was the pipe vents, well it was not they were fine. However my gutters were backed up so they cleaned it at my request if that was the issue. I was not there when they came, but i got an invoice in the mail for $125. I live in a townhouse (not big). Is that too much to pay? And how do I make sure it was done?




  1. considering they came to fix something else, re diagnosed the correct problem, and fixed the problem...125.00 is reasonable...

    to just clean gutters, at your request 50-75.00 four gutters/single story...

    how do you know they did it? get an Extension Ladder (150.00 @ sears) climb up and look... next year you can do it yourself....

    another way to tell...look at the gutter when it's raining hard, if water runs over the side, it's clogged.....

  2. It sounds reasonable for a min charge.

    It costs them around $50- to send a truck over and back (between the cost of the truck, maintenance, depreciation, salaries, etc).

    Anything that is done at the site is on top of that.

    Best advice - get quotes first.

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