
How much to pay for publishing?

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I want to publish my book all together how much would it cost for me to publish my book and get it out on the shelves in local shops??

thanks xx




  1. They pay you.

    If you publish it yourself, you pay, but then it's mighty hard to get it on any shop shelves.

  2. Nothing. Publishers pay the author not the other way around.

  3. Self-publishing companies run everywhere from $100 to $2000. You have to do a lot of research to find what you want from it.

    Warning: once it's published, you might get it in your local bookstore if you agree to do a signing, but you won't get them widely circulated through self-publishing. You have to market on your own, have a website, put up excerpts so readers know it's worth their money, and still, it's hard to break in. Your writing has to be publishing quality.

    You may get them into online bookstores with your purchase of a publishing service, but unless you prove yourself with quality work and market yourself relentlessly, you will have no sales.

  4. The word "publish" does not mean "print." Publishing means that a recognized publishing company has bought your book and is investing money in producing (printing) copies in the hope of making a profit or because they believe in your work. They either pay you an advance for the book which you must earn back in royalties, or if they are a small press they only pay via royalties, should there be any, when the book is sold in stores. If you print your own book, or pay a company that calls itself a publisher but is really only a printing service (if they charge you they are not a publisher), you are wasting your money and are in for disappointment. Bookstores never buy books that are not published by real publishers (even then it's hard to get books on shelves for more than two or three weeks, if at all). You are better off investing in a website and offering your book online. Sorry for the discouraging news, it's a tough business. Lots of people exploit naive writers and get thousands of dollars from them with false promises, so it's important to be aware. Watch out for "agents" who charge you too.  

  5. If you send it to a publishing company, you pay nothing.

    But, If you decide to get it self published through companies like Outskirts Press, it can cost anywhere from $500 to $3000. It depends on what you get. You pay extra money for different services such as professional editing.

    Publishing companies are great besides the fact that if they tell you to change something in the book, like the ending for example, you have to or else they won't publish it. But, otherwise, they pay for everything and they advertise and get your book out there. Publishing companies get better advertising.

    Self publishing is all yourself. You have to pay a lot and do all your own advertising, but you get to control what happens to your book. Unlike with publishing companies, you decide where your book goes, what happens in the story, etc.

    Hope I helped :)

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