
How much to put in bottles now?

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Here is how my son has done all day eating.....

5:00 AM breastfed until 5:30ish then co-slept with me until 7 AM

6:30-7:00 AM nibbled on breast a bit, not very long

7:45 am- 2 oz formula in his Realiadose medicine bottle with morning med (only bottle that can't change how much I put's only a 2 oz


8:30 AM- 4 oz breast milk in bottle- took 3 1/2 then almost a 2 hour long nap

10:50 AM- Tried 5 oz bottle of formula-took 4 1/2 oz

12:50 -4 oz bottle breast milk but took hour and half to take it (was hungry, just ate in spurts)

2:45- just took 4 oz bottle breast milk..napping now

Based on how he's been eating all day how many ounces at a time should I give him? He'll only breastfeed i the middle of the night, which is fine with me. I just pump and feed both formula and breast milk.

BTW- he's 10 weeks, 2 days old.




  1. you could make 6 ounce bottles and just refridgerte the leftovers. at that age i would give my daughter 4 ounce bottles.

  2. His height and weight also has alot to do with it.  

  3. Similac has a great chart that shows you how much your baby should be eating here is the link to it:

    Hope this helps :o)

  4. Your baby is too young. i think the doctor of your baby will tell you better. my thinking is that you are giving him a feed very early gaps may be his need of feed is not completing at a single time but remember its only my guess. I am again saying that his doctor will tell you better then all of us    

  5. i have 5 kids (had 6 but my daughter passed away from SIDS)  i let all my kids eat until they were done as often as they needed. based on what u said i would guess about 4 oz.  all i can suggest is it is better to not put enough in the bottle and have to make another 2oz bottle, then to have it go to waste. get to know him, pay close attention after feeding and watch his body signs. is he ur first child?   if so then it is difficult in the beginning to learn what there needs r by the sounds they make but it will get easier. he will let u know if 4 oz isn't enough

  6. Only 2 to 4 ounces at a time.

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