
How much to spend (back to school shopping)?

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Usually I buy my own clothes when I go back to school shopping.

I have really bad memory though and don't remember how much I spent last year.

Anyway my mom offered to take me shopping (meaning pay for it) but I'm wondering how much $ worth of stuff I should get?

We're like upper-middleish class so we can (at the risk of sounding like I'm bragging) afford it.

But I don't wanna like... make my mom pay for like $600 worth of clothes you know? And she wouldn't anyway haha.

How much is like... SAFE?




  1. You should limit yourself to 300, accessories, clothes, basics, everything. Don't worry, no one's gonna judge you for having more priviledges than others :] It would be more insulting to downsize your wealth, if thats what you would call it XD

  2. well if she can afford to buy herself that many designer things you could probably get away with asking for a little bit more

    maybe like 400 or 450?

  3. 200 or 300 dollars. You can get some nice clothes with that much money.

  4. never make your parents pay more than they should be. just cause you wanna look good.

    clothes are clothes. mix and match. use last years clothes. get a few new shirts. look for hot deals on clothes.

    don't make your mom spend more than 200.  

  5. Well, I spent 500 dollars, but I have never spent that much before! I would just say "mom i just want to let you know i want you to tell me when ive reached my limit of clothes" or something like that. i mean, my mom could totally afford me spending that much, but its better not to get two months worth of shirts like i did. haha(:

  6. well i am 12 years old and am in grade 7 my mother told me i have 300 dollars to spend this year and i am shopping at places like Aeropostale abercrombie and fitch,hollister,and american egale don't use last years clothing people will think you are geto and you don't want that since your mother sounds like she has alot of money you should get like 10 ofets and shop at the places i am shopping at you will look hot trust me but 400 500 sounds good to me

  7. you don't need anymore clothes...... based on the info your giving.

    i was going to say Walmart. because you could buy notebooks for 10cents. but nevermind. i'll cut the bargain price stuff.

  8. same hereee.

    i actually hate when my mom offers to pay, cuz im afraid i wont even think about it, and she'll end up paying for like 600 dollars worth.

    and yes, my mom has designer stuff too, so do i, but i get it like at christmas and birthday shopping.

    but for school last year i spent $250 and my mom paid for it, which i hated, but she said that was the perfect amount of money cuz i get a whole loaddd of stuff. (:

  9. no more than $ 200, or let ur mom give u a certain amount and you spend that $$ wisely and get all you can  

  10. I think $200 to $250 is a safe amount of money to spend on school clothes.

  11. $350.00 is good I am 30 and when I was in school (I graduated HS in 96) my parents spent $250.00 every year not including shoes. I say $350.00 because everything cost more now. I always asked how much I had to spend just to plan for the number of outfits. You could go through your closet first and kinda plan outfits with what you already have so you know what you need.

    Tip- let your mom by whatever she wants for you. You will get more stuff that way :).

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