
How much to spend? ?

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What is the right amount to spend on a bridal shower gift when you don't know the bride or her family very well? My boyfriend will be a groomsman in the wedding and I've only met the bride a handful of times. I was thinking around $30.00, is that too little?




  1. I think a card is sufficient.  You don't even know her.

  2. Sounds fine to me!!!

  3. I wouldn't expect someone who wasn't close to me to spend any more than that.  $30 should be the most you spend :)

  4. That sounds ideal.  

  5. $30 to $50 is a good range to go by.

  6. You shouldn't even feel obligated at all. Your boyfriend should pay for the gift and if he is going to be a groomsman then 60 - 70  dollars should be spent by him.

  7. When you don't know someone, I say $30.00 is a good amount.  Maybe $25, but anything else looks too cheap.  You don't want to look like you purposely didn't care.  Just get something that substantial.  Don't get a bunch of little cheap things, get wine glasses or a knife set.  Something that holds up well on it's own.

  8. I think $30 is fine ;)  

  9. I think you hit the nail on the head.  A person should spend between $20-$40 on a bridal shower gift.  

  10. That's totally a fine amount - lots to choose from in that price range.

  11. Sounds fine to me!  

  12. I think that it is whatever you can afford.  I also think that you and the boyfriend should go 1/2 on the present. good luck

  13. This is why only those closest to the bridal couple should be invited to the shower. SIGH. Anyway, the gifts for a showe rare supposed to be inexpensive so for $30 you should be able to get a nice gift. maybe a few small kitchen items or a set of towels.

    Since a shower is a gift giving event, please don't show up with just a card.

  14. Sounds good.  Check out her registry and buy her a $30 gift.  She will love ( especially since she chose it!)

  15. that sounds good..but maybe you should buy her something lingerie around $30 or even just seems better than money in my opinion
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