
How much to tip cabbie?

by  |  earlier

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So usually when I travel, I or someone rents a car. But I'm taking a short trip for labor day weekend and have decided on not renting a car... so that I will not have to deal with my money being tied up in deposits and what not. But I've never rode in a taxi and don't know what to tip either. Should it be based on miles traveled? I'll be staying in the heart of the city so only a few miles at most would be traveled in one direction. Or should it be a flat rate like 2 to 5 bucks?




  1. Give what the taxi driver asks u for and don't give tips

  2. Only tip the cab driver if he helps you with your bags.

    2 dollars per bag should be enough.

  3. you have never rode in a taxi? lmao, where are you from? it all depends what to tip, on how far you go, how the service is, your satisfaction with your ride.... usually i just let the cabbie keep the change...*carry small bills, lol* if your cab fare is $17.75, give a $20, and let him/her keep the change....if your fare is $8, give a $10.......if you cant afford to tip, you dont have to.  

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