
How much toilet paper is too much toilet paper?

by Guest31958  |  earlier

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i buy the t.p. in my house because my boyfriend and anyone i have ever lived with says that i use too much. I go through a normal 4 pack (the cheapie one dollar pack) in about 3 or 4 days. I can't help it! i even buy flushable wipes for the rear, but i end up using t.p. after the wipes. i hate to be wet!

I'm thinking it may be a compulsive disorder, but i am not sure. i just know that when someone comments on my t.p. use, i get fruserated and want to cry! when i was younger, my parents challenged me. they said, you get this roll and we (my mom, dad and my little bro) will all use this other roll. Guess who's went faster? its so humiliating!




  1. tttoooooooooooooo



    talk to your mom, maybe, or a close friend about junk like this



  2. Sometimes, is correct etiquette to see a psychiatrist.

  3. It doesn't matter. You probably smell better down there than anyone.

  4. You have used too much TP when the next person doesn't get any.

  5. just tell them that you don't want any of it on your fingers and that you take an extra wipe to make sure you're clean

  6. it doesnt sound abnormal to me, you just want to feel comfortable!!!! as long as you arent OVERDOING it because you feel dirty because of a sexual assault or having been abused as a child (overdoing it to the point where you get infections or a rash from overcleaning or over douching)  no biggie!  TP isnt very expensive and the stores wont run out anytime soon (in the height of my pregnancy I used almost 3 rolls in one day because i was in the bathroom every 5 mins!) and I ALWAYS use those flushable wipes to clean up the "back porch" I feel so gross all day if i dont, as a matter of fact if the deed is especially icky ill get an extra shower, a lot of people I know do the same...nothing wrong with it (Too much info right?!)

    PS...try the cucumber fresh scented baby wipes, they are the best!

  7. $2 a week, why worry? Tell them to mind their own business. Who watchs the toilet paper anyway?

    The cheap pack has much less paper.

    If it really bothers you, continue as you wish but use a smaller amount for each individual use. Decide how many wipes and then take off say ten squares for the first and maybe ten for the second. Then say only 4 for the third and fourth. I mean after two its mostly cosmetic anyway, right?

  8. You're fine.  Especially if you are buying it yourself.  If anyone makes a comment, tell them that they need to mind their own business.

  9. I use a lot of toilet paper too.  I think it's just something that you do to make sure that your clean.  Nothing is wrong with it.  OCD is when you have a habit that controls your life.  If this doesn't control your life then your just a regular girl who likes to be extra clean.  LOL  Like me!!!

  10. Try using Scott tissue, one roll lasts about a week!  Single ply baby!  LOL

  11. i don't see what so wrong with it or why you would be humilating.. it;s who you are.. so what you want to be cleaner then anyone else... plus it's your loved ones just picking on you...

  12. Pardon me, you win some you lose some...

    use water only, it is more hygienic and cheaper...

    some groups do that, the indians, muslims, am i right?

  13. If it bothers them so much, offer to pay for the rolls yourself.

    You should do what makes you feel happy and comfortable.

  14. As long as the toilet will still flush without overflowing, you're not using too much.

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