
How much trouble am i in?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i have a very big prob. Im a clepto and i see something and i want it. It turned 18 at 5:54 PM. I was really frusterated that my parents didnt get me the car i wanted to i took a few things. i acidentally got caught shoplifting a fridge from sears but at the it time was only 2pm. Would i be charged as aminor? How much time would i be facing if i got caught at best buy last month?




  1. You will be charged as an adult, and you could expect 3-5 years. How did you manage to shoplift a fridge, did you stick it up your jumper? I think you need help, and I don't mean to lift a fridge.

  2. U are kidding right?  How do you steal a fridge? A mini fridge or big fridge?

    I do hope u are kidding

  3. LoL, yes if your birthday was on the 17th. The court will see you as 18 years old on the 17th, it doesn't matter what time you were born. Also if you are a habitual offender you can still get charged as an adult even if you are 16 or 17 years old.

    And how the h**l do you steal a fridge from sears at 2pm in the afternoon.

    My guess is you aren't really the brightest crayon in the box, and jail is probably somewhere you belong.

  4. You'd be charged as an adult, they go by the DAY not the TIME. Also I have a hard time buying the excuse you are a kleptomaniac, but go ahead with that one in Court. Don't worry you will be given a psychological exam if you try to claim that. The thing about a kleptomaniac is that they don't realize they are doing it. Your question makes me think you KNOW you are taking things because you want them and you are using a REAL MENTAL ILLNESS as an excuse.

  5. O-girl you in deep do-do! lol you stole a fridge?

  6. How do you "accidentally" get caught shoplifting?  Regardless, most states charge a 17 year old as an adult, whereas the feds have a youth offender program.  As for what you would be charged with, every state differs on the value of the item stolen to decide whether it a felony or a misdemeanor.  TX is $1500--under is a misdemeanor and above is a felony.  Depending on your record, you would probably get probation.  

  7. You need help for your addiction. get a lawyer a good one at that. It all depends on how much it was , that you stole . I believe if it is over a certain amount like $250 That you will get a harsher sentence.Since this is NOT your first time they will be charging you as an adult. The punishment will be far more steep. If you can afford a paid attorney I would get one.

    I stole a car from the Mazda dealership when I was 17year old with a friend. it was after 2am and the keys were left in it. I drove the car off the lot. An hour later I got pulled over. I got arrested went to jail. Thank god my parents had the funds to bail me out and get me a really good attorney. I got 5 years of probation. I had to pay 10K with~in 5 years for the damage to the car. (a shrub I hit and the under cage of the car). Luckily I was a Y/O (youthful offender) It was kept off my record.

    In your case this will go on your record. It will make it hard for you to get a job cause it will come up that you are a thief and NO employer will take a chance on hiring you. You might rob them blind!

    All this c**p you do when you are young will catch up to you making it impossible to ever get a keep a good paying job. I know that you think that you are invisible and nothing bad will come of all this but you are dead wrong. You just wait....

  8. I doubt seriously that you're anything but someone looking for attention. Please, shoplifting a fridge? Who's zooming who? Thanks for the two points but do forgive me if I don't bother to answer your question.

  9. You stole a fridge? I doubt it. You need psychiatric help.

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