
How much trouble can I get into for this????

by  |  earlier

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OK so basically this company is taking $80 a month off my debit card because I can't prove that I sent their materials back, even though I did. So I was thinking of changing my debit card number. What would the company do if I did that? And how much trouble, if any, could I get in?




  1. They would look you up try to get your new number for payment. If you did not provide it, they could get you for theft, or theft of service. It all depends on the agreement that you had when you received their materials.

  2. Did you agree to them debiting you for the materials ?

    If not then dispute the charges with the bank and ask that they change your card . Then if you so chose to pay for the materials that got lost in the mail then pay them using a money order.

  3. You probably wouldn't get into the kind of trouble where a lawyer or a cop shows up at your door, depending on what you're paying for, but they can contact a credit agency and you could end up with bad credit and a collections agency showing up to try and repossess what they claim you owe.  You should call them up again and see if there's someone higher up in the management chain you could talk to or you could always threaten legal action as a last resort.  If they're charging you because they think you still have the material, then that's their bad record keeping and their fault but it wouldn't be wise let the situation escalate.  There's also the possibility that the company is defrauding you too, in which case as soon as you threaten legal action they'll probably leave you alone.  I would not pay them another dime though, if I were you.

  4. Call your bankand tell them that you did not authorize any of these charges and to credit back the money that has been debited and to open an investigation on the company that is charging you.

    Your bank should comply with this and look further into these faulty charges.

  5. If you disagree with the charges why not complain to the bank and let5 them know that you returned the stuff and that you are now being charged??

    Frankly I have done what you ask and i have never got in trouble

    i kept getting bills but they can not go to another account UNLESS you send them the number to do so.

    Even if you owe them they have to take you to court to take money from another bank account other than that which it is now collecting from

    again though your credit will SUCK!

    But No you will not be arrested or be in trouble

    close the account and ca;ll the company and let them know the account has been closed and than open another account elsewhere

    tadaa no More paying

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