
How much trouble can i get in for having s*x in public?

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I live in ny and i want to have s*x in a public place (i know im not the only 1) i was just wonderin how much trouble could i get in. I am not a minor, i dont have any previous offenses and it wouldnt be very public, probably on a secluded beach or park... AND DONT COME AT ME WIT COMMENTS ON HOW BAD THIS IS IN UR OPINION CUZ I DONT REALLY CARE, JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION PLZ.




  1. Why would you want to have s*x in public?  I would find that extremely uncomfortable.  Plus, people will probably judge on how wrong you are having s*x too and it's indecent exposure.  s*x in Pubic= Life ****** up.

  2. its more trouble than it worth, would you want your name in broadcast on the news like George Michael (former singer Wham). then you have a record and you might even lose your job behind your sexual fantasy desire. so, do you think it really worth it?  

  3. I don't know about the particular laws in NY, but I would probably stick with the idea of outdoors vs public place.  The difference is outdoors is just outside, someplace naughty or fun, public place implies other people around.  Just scout out the place first and you'll find a good time and place - have fun!

  4. You can get into plenty of legal trouble. First off:

    1) Public nudity

    2) Sexual predator

    3) Listing on sexual offender websites

    4) Trouble keeping your job (you will probably be fired)

    5) Much trouble ever finding another job when they see you are on the s*x offender watch list.

    6) Don't do it. It's not worth it.

  5. Do a little experiment. Get a pair of German Shepherds and walk them out onto a public area. When the male jumps the female and they get hung up, watch the reaction of the crowd to the performance. They will think of you the same way. See if they call the police, or just laugh. There really is no difference so your experiment should help you out. Good luck.

  6. It depends on where you are...

    Preschool = mega-trouble

    Bathroom stall = you probably wont get caught.

    Maybe behind a bush in a forest or something...

    Weird question.

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