
How much trouble can u get into by over flooding the class room?

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i need some help with this big time. someone in my 8th hour class at school over flooded the science class room. i dont know who did it but alot of water was on the floor. but how much trouble can u get in to if u do this? please help me thankyou




  1. LMAO, a kid did this when I was in the 9th grade. They pulled that little lever you're only supposed to pull if you get chemicals on your body! The class flooded, and binders floated by. My pants were soaked up to me ankles....ummmm, I think the kid who did it, got suspended and ended up going to AEP (Alternative Education Program) which is basically a school for the bad kids! LOL, he was only there for like 3 weeks though!!

    But you might get expelled, think about how much that cost the school to replace books, and desks, and personal's funny when you're  kid! But once you grow up, you see how STUPID it was!

  2. A girl at our school flooded the bathroom by holding a lighter to the sprinkler system...

    I think she got arrested and suspended.

    I guess it depends on whether or not it was on purpose and how they did it.

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