
How much trouble could you get into for STEALING a X-box 360 memory card from WalMart????

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How much trouble could you get into for STEALING a X-box 360 memory card from WalMart????

a 50$$ memory card

Would you get a ticket or worse??

How much would the ticket cost range from low to high??




  1. No one will ever hear from you again.

    No one.

    Don't mess with Wal-Mart!

  2. well you could probably get away with it if they dont notice

    but if they catch you and you say oh i forgot to return it

    then youd be fine

    some of them have those things that make a noise when you walk out the door so go to a fitting room and try to take it off or something


    take it out of the box and put it in you pocket in the fitting room

    then they wont notice

    but it will go on your conscience

    its not a good idea


  3. Depends on how old you are, and if you've been in trouble before. couple years ago I got in trouble for shop lifting, but since I was a minor all they did was take me to a detention center, scream at me, and told me if I kept it up that was where I was going to end up. Pfft.

    But if you're planning on stealing something, it's pretty stupid posting it on the internet. That's just my opinion though.

  4. Well, its like this....steal $50, and get charged and fined way more then $50, get booked, spend a lil time in juvie, have it on your record forever, and a lot of other dumb sh*t!...

    So in the end, you ask was all this really worth $50?...getting booked, doin a lil time, f*ck up your permanent record for life, and just all that unnesseary Bull sh*t!

  5. In the eyes of the law, a theft is a theft no matter what or why you stole it.  Depending on your age, previous criminal history and county/state, you could get into a little bit more trouble than just a fine.  I would have to say, most of the time, if you are a juvenile, and I hope you are because any adult that steals $50 memory card is just juvenile anyway, anyway, if you are a juvenile and it's your first offense, a judge should give you a year of probation and restitution.  Or you could get community service and may have to write a letter of apology.  Something along those lines.  But you shouldnt be sent to prison for it.

  6. --- K-mart handles things differently these days. I don't know if they do it in your area but they do it in California and in Wisconsin and I suspect in most areas.

    --- If a minor is caught stealing they and their parents are sent a letter demanding a $250 civil penalty and the cost of the item if it was damaged in any way or not returned. If you refuse to pay the civil penalty they sue you in civil court for something like 2 to 5 times the $250 amount.

    --- The only good thing about this method is that the police are never called and junior does not get a police record for the theft.

  7. "How much trouble could you get into for STEALING a X-box 360 memory card from WalMart????"

    WalMart is very strict with its own employees - ex[ect them to have you arrested and prosecuted.  They may have your picture taken and posted at all local WalMarts to keep you out.  An arrest is not a ticket - it's a criminal charge which can end up costing you plenty.

  8. Why don't you just buy it the ticket is going to cost even more than 50 dollars and you could go to jail or juvie depending on how old you are and its not worth it.

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