
How much tummy time should a 6 week old get in a day?

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How much tummy time should a 6 week old get in a day?




  1. As much as he/she will tolerate. My son hated tummy time so I was only able to get about 5-10 mintues at a time but I did that several times a day. When he got fussy I would pick him up.. and a while later would put him down again.

  2. 10-20 min

  3. As much as she will tolerate.  My son hated it because he could not see us well, so I began tummy time on my tummy.  We would be face to face and I would talk to him, tickle him, etc and we had a blast.  He is now almost 6 months and still loves it when I put him on my tummy.  We talk to each other (well, I talk and he does his own kind of talking), give each other kisses and I tickle him.  

  4. my daughter is 6 1/2mo old and she hates tummy time! every time i place her on her tummy she rolls over! every child is different. there is not a "set" amount of time for a child to be on its tummy. just try different things and find out what your baby likes!

  5. I don't know if there is an exact amount of time they should get but I have a ten month old and when I started I would put her on a play mat on her tummy until she would get fussy.  Once she got fussy I'd let her cry a little while and try to show her the fun toys on the mat.  When she would get frustrated it seemed to make her want to learn more so she wouldn't be stuck that way.  It worked for me.  Just do it as much as you can...just make sure she isn't tired, wed/dirty, or hungry when you do it so you know she is just crying out of aggravation and not anything else.

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