
How much tummy time should my baby have a day??

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i am told by some people that it helps and others that it doesn't matter,

my daughter is starting to loose a little of her hair on the back that's all.




  1. When my daughters were babies I would make sure that tummy time was not right after eating because they don't like laying on a full tummy. I would just lay them on their belly and when they started to get fussy I would move them. I don't think that there is a certain amount of time, as long as they are getting some tummy time to help strenghten their upper body.

  2. start with just a few minutes 4 times a day then just keep increasing. try a mirror in front of her, they love it!

  3. I was told by my pediatrician that it doesn't matter.  My daughter absolutely hates it and I was afraid that she would take longer to learn how to roll over.  She didn't though.  She started rolling from back to tummy when she was 3 1/2 months old.  She still hates tummy time and usually starts crying within minutes of rolling over.  Sometimes I will turn her back over but other times I give her a minute or two to try to figure out how to flip back over.  

    However, you are also asking about your baby getting a bald spot from laying on her back.  I'm not sure how old she is...I'm assuming she's not rolling yet.  What if you buy one of those wedge things that help babies lay on their side?  Or even if you just roll up a couple of blankets or something and put them in the front and back of her.  (Just make sure there isn't any bunched up by her face where she could suffocate.)  I have heard something like 2 or 3 times a day for about 10 minutes is a good start for tummy time.  But it all depends on your baby and if she likes it or not.  If she enjoys it, then I would let her do it longer but if she's like my daughter and hates it...don't worry about it.

  4. At least 30 minutes-1 hour.

  5. I think you should allow her as much as she will tolerate. How old is she? My son hated tummy time, absolutely hated it, until he was around 3 months old and could roll over. Now he loves being on his tummy at 7 months and is almost crawling. I was told that it's not as crucial as people make it out to be, and that you should just go with what your little one will tolerate. There's no exact amount of time. Hope that helps. =)

  6. All kids are different.  I had a couple of mine that HATED tummy time and my other 2 loved it.  I think it is just important to try it out.  I would keep trying even if the little one doesn't like it...just build them up.  It really helps them to hold their heads up and learn to explore.

    Take it at your own's not a huge deal, just make sure you try it...

  7. As much as she wants.  Just start out with a couple mins at a time several times a day to get her used to it, then gradually do it for longer periods of time.

    Personally, I believe that tummy time is VERY important.  My daughter was 3 1/2 months old before I started giving her daily tummy time.  My mom told me that my daughter should've been stronger and able to roll over by then.  I didn't want her to be behind, so I started doing it a lot and by 7 months she was crawling, and at 8 1/2 months she could pull up to stand.  

  8. Here is a good article about tummy time:

    I gave my baby just a few mintues of tummy time every hour he was awake. He HATED it so that is why I limited it to a few mintues. I had that surf board tummy time mat and he was NOT amused! :)  As he got older I gave him a little more time every day and he started to like it more.  

    My son started crawling a little later then most kids and I sometimes think that it might be because he hated tummy time so much and I didn't give him enough of it.  But who knows!  He crawls great now and it is wearing me out!

    My son also lost a little hair on the back of his head.  That is really hard to avoid since babies are now placed on their backs to sleep.  It all grew back in though once he started to sit up and crawl so don't worry!

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