
How much tv did you watch as a kid (per day)? How much do you allow your kid/s to?

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We could watch either a half-hour or an hour a day. I forget, but I think it was just enough for one show. We played outside a lot.

My baby's not here yet, but I don't want her to watch a lot of tv when she's a kid.




  1. Probably an hour. I was outside playing a lot. I try to get my kids outside and away from the TV. I am guilty though of sitting my son in front of the TV for a half hour or so when I need to get some laundry done or clean up the kitchen. I only allow him about an hour to hour and a half a day though.

  2. my son watches about 2 hours a day that is in the morning sometime more if i need to get stuff done.

  3. We watched more tv in the winter when it was too cold to play outside.  I think that as a kid we got a few hours of tv time a day.  My kids aren't really cut off at an hour, but they can watch a show or two then I redirect them to something else.  Right now they are outside playing.

  4. Hi Jen, I was like you. I was always told to go play outside, which I think kids should do. They all get fat from staying inside now a days and eating a bunch of junk. I would say maybe while eating breakfast or getting ready for school but that's it, maybe an hour is good...

  5. None. Because they get more than enough everywhere else, friends, stores, school etc. Unfortunately the TV like the other media have devolved into a worthless and/or even less than worthless state of affairs. Besides the fact that news stories, drama, and content is slanted to the Hollywood-collegiate professors philosophy, Cursing, criminal slander are now a way of life. So like the movies and most of the internet related media most of us now wallow around in an open sewer of insanity.

  6. Believe it or not watching tv can improve on your language because the more you listen to the program you mostly will get what the character are saying. Usually after a few hours you should have at least 15 to 20 minute breaks so the eyes won't get tired

    Edit: i also agree with J98 because it is also beneficial for kids to get there exercise and have fun out side with friends from school and such but i still agree with my answer here but i guess if you find a way to balance that schedule it would be even better like maybe play outside during the day a few hours out side then they can come in and watch there programs on the television.

  7. As little kids, we didn't watch much tv at all. I think we just watched the "Good Night" show for kids at 9 pm right before we went to bed. However, every Saturday or so, we would watch cartoons maybe for 2 hrs total. As we grew older, middle school age, we watched tv a lot until our mom had it. She told everyone that we're not allowed to turn on tv until we all eat and do our homework. Everyone got motivated to do their homework fast. However, it still took us time to do our homework, so we just had a few hours of tv (including video games), but mostly in a winter time. In a summer time, we all wanted to go outside.

    Man, I wish I could turn time back and go back to my childhood. :-)  

  8. Yeah we were always told to "get outside and play!" lol

    We usually watched about an hour and a half max. As far as my daughter, she's only 22 months old so she could really care less about tv at all. She may watch the Backyardigans or Wonder Pets but that's once in a blue moon. She'd rather play with her kitchen or "read" her books. :)

  9. I wasn't really able to watch tv that much i had to read books or do chores instead and that made me hate to read now. But my daughter loves dora alot and i let her watch that movie as much as she wants. See in that video it shows her how to say things and be able to interact and respond. I also have a baby einstein that says animals names like tropical bird, monkey, tiger, fish it says different things and shows the animals and she loves that movie to. She repeats the animals names and counts like they do in the movies and can almost sing all her abc's. I think that if a show is teaching your child something its okay but other than that we don't really watch tv that's why i have only channels from 02-29. Good luck :)

    *Mother of 2 year old and 32 weeks pregnant...

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