
How much underwear does the average college Jane have?

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I'm packing for college and I really don't know how much to bring. I live in two houses, so I'm pretty sure I have WAAAAAY more than I actually need--there's no way I would bring it all.

So what's the normal amount?




  1. About 20 pair.

  2. No, you should have way more than needed because what if you don't have the money to wash clothes or some other reason may come up why you didnt have the time to wash your clothes. When I was in college, I had almost 4 wks worth of underwear, so I never ran out.

  3. Just depends on how often you can do laundry.   I did laundry every two weeks at college, so I brought about 20 pairs.    

  4. Underwear doesn't take up much space and it really isn't something you want to run out of. That is definitely something to over pack on. Bring more than you think you need, once you get into your laundry schedule you will have a better idea of how far ahead you need.  

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